Tamia's Favorite Links
Favorite Links
Please bear with me while I'm still adding to this site. Feel free to drop me a line to add you to my contact list. Tamia

You can find my books here and maybe a few others you'll like. There are a lot of terrific writers here.
Another great site to download books and buy paperbacks. Coming in May you'll also find me here under the name: Tammie Ainsworth with my first book: The Sheriff and The Huntress
whiskeycreekpress.com Whiskey Creek is now under new management, Steve and Debbie Womack. Browse the site and welcome the new owners.
brenda-weaver.tripod.com Brenda is another fellow author at Whiskey Creek Press, her first book: Hell's Raging Fury will be released in December. Feel free to visit her website by clicking on the link.
If you're a new writer and looking for a publisher, The passionate Pen has a list of Romance Publishers for you to choose from. Tami
Brenda Weaver and I are putting together a newsletter, for info contact us at The Dragyns Lair Newsletter
jennifer Cloud
Another new author with Wiskey Creek Press. WTG
Angela Verdenius
Angela's the writer of the Heart and Soul series that we love to read. If you haven't read her books, you really need to, she takes us on a journey of finding love in all the right places, vbg. You rock girl.
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Janet Mills
Visit Janet Mills webiste, an author of contemporary and Historical Romance Novels at Whiskey Creek Press.
Rayne Forrest
Rayne is a fellow author at both Whiskey Creek Press and Wings ePress. She's an author of far-off worlds, intrigue, time travel and romance with a paranormal twist.
Lindy S. Hudis