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I’ll Be With You Lesley Emerald is an Alliance Captain on a special mission to try to stop or lessen the acts of piracy in space. Her ship has come under attack and she is left with no other alternative, she escapes in a pod and heads for the only planet close: Reimche, the desert planet. Now that she is safely off her ship, she closes her eyes and dreams of her love, Dage. She has loved him for years, but left him. Wondering if she will ever see him again, she is shocked when she awakens and he is standing over her escape pod. All she wants to do is hold him, touch him, and be with him until she must leave him again. Unfortunately, someone is shooting at them and he is not talking to her. Why are they in danger? Could she feel any more pain than she does now? Did she break his heart that badly all those years ago?
Dage Roosvy was ordered to take time away from work; he doesn’t want to go back. What else can he do though? He has no family of his own. The woman he loved left him years ago. Finding a small measuere of peace walking the desert, he notices an escape pod and must make sure the person inside is okay. When he looks in it, he is almost knocked over with his green-eyed love, Lesley, whispers his name. Does he have his long desired second chance to have love? Rescuing her from the pod, he soon learns he must save her as laser shots are fired and get her off the planet quickly. Once in space, the trouble really starts. Who is after his Lesley? Where can they go for safety? What is he to do about the way he feels for Lesley when she will only leave him again?
Lesley and Dage’s story is one riddled with suspense, danger, and intense emotions. Each character must come to terms with their emotions for the other and it is not a smooth ride. Between dodging attacks, Dage and Lesley find themselves with someone they never knew existed and with people they have only dreamed of. Tamia Dawn Osborn offers a tantalizing romance sure to keep readers glued to their seat and hot under the collar. Lesley will be thrown into an emotional roller coaster of uncertainty and heartache only to learn that she is not the only one on it. Dage’s emotions and confusion will be in hyper drive when trying to understand himself and Lesley. The chemistry between them is just as sizzling as it was all those years again. The author does a wonderful job displaying raw emotions within both characters as well as the secondary characters, who add depth and beauty to the story.
I’ll Be With You is a romance and suspense begging to be read. The pain that both characters feel for their past and love of their life with grip readers instantly to the story and hold them secure in its grasp until the very end. The plot has twists and turns along the way and it is a pleasure to read. Dage’s uncertainty and deep devotion to Lesley left me breathless and heartbroken at the same time. Readers will be rooting for Dage and Lesley to see what it right in front of them. Tamia Dawn Osborn has created a wonderfully written story that is well worth the rating of 5 Angels!
Reviewed by: Jessica
 Review of THE KEEPERS Greed, power, and family are the themes of H. L. Chandler’s novel, THE KEEPERS. In this horror/thriller, Chandler mixes the supernatural and the strength of family in the involved and compelling tale. Chandler’s writing is fluid and detailed; establishes a strong sense of place and provides the reader with an in-depth look into the souls of her characters. THE KEEPERS is an exciting and passionate read that seduces and commands attention. Melissa Levine - Midwest Book Review
As GUARDIAN OF PARADISE, Kai Morgan is more than just a ruler. He is also the law maker and enforcer of the planet, and will do everything in his power to keep Paradise safe. However, ever since he rescued Shana from a wreck, his personal feelings and desires are rioting with his duties to his planet. For though he knows that she is a woman on a mission with plans to have him eliminated, how can he have his new found mate incarcerated?
Though weary of life and all that is required of her as an agent of the government of Earth, Shana Moon will still complete whichever task is assigned to her, including assassinate the man who reawakens her slumbering heart. When her flight crash lands on Paradise and causes her amnesia, Shana finds that the planet may have more than just its magnificent beauty to offer as she recuperates under the tender care of Kai. With more nefarious plans in store for the unsuspecting couple from the sly President of the United World, and the unforgiving truth between them, will Kai and Shana have a chance of finding their own paradise? Peopled with compelling characters, each with their own personal agenda, this is definitely the book to read for those interested in suspense. Tamia Dawn Osburn does a great job in keeping readers guessing at ever turn until the very end with her fascinating scripting, and unexpected twists in the plot.
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SUN IN SAGITTARIUS, MOON IN MAZATLAN Celia Cooper ISBN#: 1-59088-513-9 June 2005 Wings ePress, Inc www.wings-press.com Paperback Price .95 242 Pages Contemporary Romance Rating: 5 Cups
When Corey Williams’ best friend, Justin, gets married, Corey sees the expression of absolute happiness on his friend’s face and he wants to experience that same feeling. Corey gets his chance when he meets a young redhead at the wedding and he is truly smitten.
Corey is a detective, and when the case he is assigned to allows him to work closely with the beautiful redhead, he starts thinking about how good it would be to have a woman like her in his life. After a failed first marriage, he wonders if it really is worth the effort to get involved in a relationship again. But the more he is around Riona, something tells him she just might be the one.
Riona Byrne is a tough news reporter who goes after her story. When she attends a wedding of a good friend, she soon discovers her chaperone is a cop. Not only that, but he is the cop who allowed her motorcycle to be towed away on their first encounter. When she learns that Corey can help her with a lead on a story, she decides to meet him on his territory. He does have twinkling eyes and a softness about him that she could easily grow to love. Why let the little incident get in the way?
Corey and Riona are lovable characters that delight at every turn. I was hooked after the first couple of pages. I did not want this book to end. I loved it when Corey said Riona could be the death of him. When Riona discovered she could really become attached to Corey, I cheered. These are two characters that I would love to read more about. The secondary characters are great. This book is incredible. A big thumbs up to Ms. Cooper. This story hooks you with nonstop, on the edge action that keeps you guessing at every turn of the page. Ms. Cooper has a flare for great writing that is simply superb. I cannot wait to read more of her work.
Cherokee Reviewer for Karen Find Out About New Books Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
Here are some past reviews from The Romance Studo: www.theromancestudio.com The WarlockTamia Dawn Osburn Paranormal romance Available from Wings ePress ISBN: 1-59088-271-1 April 2004
This is the story of two worlds and a Kingdom without a King and Queen. Prince Devon DeCaro of the planet Wiccan had his hands full. His world is on the verge of war. There had not been trouble on his world since the war with King Eagle and his own family a thousand years ago.
King Eagle and his family had been banished, but before they left the Queen foretold a prophecy that brother would rise against brother and war would begin again. Sorrow and bloodshed would over come the land. The only hope laid in the unity of a new King and his chosen mate, the rightful Princess from the old world. Devon must find his mate if he is to save his world and have peace once more. Devon must perform the Mating Search to reveal who his Queen is to be. Devon goes into a trance and sees her face, he hears her name, Belinda Ramsey and she lives on the planet Earth. Could the Prophecy be coming true?
Belinda Ramsey was orphaned when she was two years old. She has no knowledge of her past or where she came from. Raised on earth in foster homes, Belinda was different from other children with powers that she didn't understand. After running away from abusive foster parents, social service placed her with the Lee family. There, she learns Martial Arts and how to accept herself. Belinda had no idea what her future had in store for her.
Devon starts the mating ritual by entering Belinda's dreams. He shows her a world filled with wizards, vampires and shape-shifters. Belinda sees a man that makes her heart beat with a longing for him. After waking Belinda feels confused, like she knew this world and belonged there. But who is this man? Just thinking about him made her pulse rate speed up. Belinda reminds herself it was only a dream, yet it felt so real, so much more than a dream.
Kosek DeCaro convinced by his mate Phania, that the throne should be his and he would stop at nothing to get it. Kosek arrives on earth ahead of Devon and kidnaps Belinda and her foster sister May. They plan to kill Belinda to stop Devon from mating with her and becoming King.
Belinda finds herself and May on board a ship traveling thru space to a place unknown to her. Who are these people and why do they want her? Belinda has no answers only questions and fears for herself and her sister May.
Has the Prophesy come to pass? Will Prince Devon save Princess Belinda? Who will win the throne?
This is an exciting story of love and power. Brother against brother, fighting for a throne. But who is the real enemy in this story? Tamia Dawn Osburn writes a story filled with passion as Devon sets out to save both his future Queen, as well as his world. Ms. Osburn will captivate your imagination as she shows real talent. There are several strong characters in this story and I hope Ms. Osburn plans more exciting stories for the future. I look forward to reading more of her work. I give Ms. Osburn Five Hearts for a story I found to be what fairy tales are made of. Enjoy!
Overall rating: Sensuality rating: Explicit
Reviewer: Diane T. May 10, 2004 |
The Guardian of Paradise
Tamia Dawn Osburn Fantasy romance Available from Wings ePress ISBN: 1-59088-260-1 January 2004
In the year 5670, Earth is no longer filled with rolling oceans, many of the world's habitats are uninhabitable, and getting pregnant without permission is an executable crime. Due to the overpopulation, Earth had to find other planets to populate and sent out scout ships to do just that. During these travels an Ice Age descended upon Earth and all communication was lost to the colonist ships and they were forgotten and ultimately believed to be a myth. The world had to rebuild after the second Ice Age so the nations of earth banded together to form the New Nation. With each day, Shana Moon is becoming more and more is distressed over the New Nation president's lies and manipulations, but when the president summons her to go on a journey to assassinate Kai Morgan- a supposed smuggler and criminal, Shana readies her ship and sets out for "the unknown space" to a planet named Paradise.
Kai Morgan is the Guardian of Paradise and has been trying to track down and stop the smuggling that has started to occur on his planet. When his Earth ancestors settled on Paradise they wanted to prevent what had happened on Earth and preserve the natural beauty. Much of Kai's duty to protect Paradise it at all costs, but he is unmated and his planet may be passed onto another relative to preserve and protect. When a ship crashes into the planet with only a one lone female aboard, his world is disturbed and his life is changed forever. This woman is the one fated to be his wife - the only one he can love forever - and she cannot even remember her name, or how she came to be on Paradise. Shana cannot remember the man who claims to be her husband. She does not recognize her surroundings but she knows that this place should be her home. Things are not always what they seem. Kai and Shana's lives are in danger, as people want them dead and out of the way and yet neither of them knows why.
Ms. Osburn creates an earth so unlike ours but very plausible for the future that at once it is both scary and moving. Her characters live and breathe. Every aspect of the story is compelling and engaging. This was a fun roller-coaster romp through the galaxy. Recommended Highly!
Overall rating: Sensuality rating: Mildly sensual
Reviewer: Sara Sawyer December 7, 2003 |
Not Without You
Tamia Dawn Osburn Paranormal romance Available from Wings ePress ISBN: 1-59088-319-5 July 2004
Shannon is minding her own business, thinking about some of her problems at work, when she hears a crash outside her house. Rushing to the window, she sees smoke in the distance and goes to find out what happened. She finds a man in the wreckage and befriends him, little knowing what a change that man will make in her life.
Darr has been with the Alliance since he was eight years old and he was taken from the only home he had ever known. The Alliance hand picked him at that age to be trained as a killer and a soldier. He wasn't happy about it, but that kind of life is all he knows. When he crash lands on a strange place called earth and meets Shannon, his world turns upside down.
Not Without You is a great romance that keeps you on your toes with a lot of things going on around the two main characters of Darr and Shannon. Shannon takes things in stride, and in the beginning is someone who has had to learn to stand on her own two feet. Darr is a hard bitten soldier, with a curious innocence about him because he had to grow up so fast. The only fault with the story is that I found it a little hard for me to focus on because it didn't seem to flow very smoothly. It seemed like it tended to jump around a little bit without a lot of transition. However, overall I think it is a good story that has a lot going for it, and it definitely kept me entertained. I think this author is definitely going to be one to look out for.
Overall rating: Sensuality rating: Mildly sensual
Reviewer: Julia November 28, 2004 |
The Sheriff and the Huntress
Tammie Ainsworth Fantasy romance Available from Whiskey Creek Press ISBN: 1-59374-106-5 2004
Ashe Martez is a Huntress. Huntresses bring criminals to justice. She's chasing, and has been chasing, a man named Andre. He's wanted to criminal activity, specifically, selling merchandise illegally in auctions. No one knows where he's getting his merchandise, but when Ashe finds out that he's heading for the Unknown Sector, literally meaning that the planets and any possible life are unknown, she wonders if maybe he's not finding it there. She follows him, and comes to Earth, which does have human life. It's rather primitive, but Andre can get his merchandise there, as well as hide fairly well. While looking for Andre, Ashe meets handsome and charming Sheriff Ty Jacobsen. When her feelings for him get in the way of her mission, Ashe has to face the consequences of her decisions regarding Ty.
The Sheriff and the Huntress was an enthralling sci-fi romance. I was absorbed in the developing story and enjoyed the pace. It wasn't constantly fast, but instead changed appropriately with the events within the story. I'd love to see more stories set in the same general world, but even if I don't, I'm happy. I also loved the fact that the author kept Andre from being totally evil. She didn't make him seem like a pitiful man, evil because he felt he had no other choice. Instead, he chose what he did, but he also had good in him that, while a surprise, was very believable. The main characters, while not unique, were very well-drawn. I also loved Ashe's computer, which seemed to take on its own personality sometimes. While this story may not satisfy those looking for a true science-fiction romance, such as those by Wen Spencer and S. L. Viehl, those who want a romance with science-fiction elements will really enjoy it. Tammie Ainsworth is an author to watch.
Overall rating: Sensuality rating: Very sensual
Reviewer: Tara Black May 30, 2004 |